I have always been very much interested in the paranormal, and am intrigued by the difference between reality and fantasy.
Growing up, children are surrounded by fairy tales and happy endings, yet once you grow up, you encounter the harsh reality of today's society. Personally, I have experienced dreams in a negative way, which are commonly known as, nightmares. Having regular nightmares, can change a person and their outlook on the reality of life. This is what has interested me within this 'weird and wonderful' project so far, and is something that I have enjoyed exploring in my chosen photographers.
I also, have an interest in reading and books. Realising my area of interest for this project, I was reminded of a book that I had read a while back, that presented these themes.
For my initial idea, I have decided to base my 'weird and wonderful' project on the novel 'The unbecoming of Mara Dyer.' Written by Michelle Hodkin. This book was one that I read a couple of years ago and remains to be one of my favourite books due to the weird storyline.
To give an insight into the storyline of this novel, here is the blurb;
'When Mara Dyer wakes up in hospital with no memory of how she got there, or any explanation as to why the bizarre accident that caused the deaths of her boyfriend and two best friends left her mysteriously unharmed, her doctors suggest she start over in a new city, at a new school, and just hope her memories gradually come back.
But Mar's new start is anything but comforting. She sees the faces of her dead friends everywhere and now she's started to see other people's deaths before they happen. Is she going crazy? As if dealing with all this isn't enough, Noah Shaw, the most beautiful boy she's ever seen, can't seem to leave her alone. But does he have her best interests at heart, or another agenda altogether?'
To simplify the blurb- the novel is set in the modern era. The main character, Mara, and 3 friends sneak out in the middle of the night to an abandoned building. Her boyfriend, Jude, tried to seduce her, however, she did not want to. He forced upon her which concluded in Mara wishing he were dead for doing this to her. Straight after this thought, the abandoned building collapses, and the next scene is Mara waking up in hospital, being told her friends are dead. After recovering in hospital, her family move house. Mara starts a new school, yet undergoes hallucinations/ seeing her dead friends and seeing things that aren't real as she can't remember the full length of what happened that night. The storyline, follows Mara in her journey to remember what happened, and she eventually realises that she has a skill to wish people dead, and it happens.
In preparation for this, I re read the book and highlighted any parts that I found inspiring, or what I imagine to create a weird and conceptual photograph. After I highlighted the certain parts that I wanted, I then created a series of thumbnail ideas for each section as a starting point for my photo shoots, taking inspiration from my chosen photographers.
'They were replaced by gauzy white bandages wrapped around my skin. Spots of red bled through.'
This section comes from the beginning of the book when Mara realises she is in hospital. Taking inspiration from the photographer Lissy Elle Larrichia, her close up photographs, subtle, yet strangely eery. In this composition, it would contain the models lower body, either without any clothes on, or essentially a white gown to represent the hospital. The photograph will be shot in the studio with a white background to add contrast to the image as the arms, either placed down by her side , or across her stomach will be covered in blood. To add an extra gory mood, the blood could be dripping from the bandages that will be wrapped around her arms. |
'They didn't make it.'
'Mara, they didn't make it.'
This composition is based around Mara finding out she was the only one who survived the incident she was in and that her friends did not make it. Shortly after these lines, it cuts straight to the funerals of them all. Therefore, this composition will be set in a graveyard. My model will be wearing a floaty, dreamlike dress. Essentially, she will be running in-between the old headstones. Taking inspiration from Brooke Shaden, I will set my camera to a low shutter speed, therefore as my model moves around, I will capture this movement, creating a blurred effect. This will represent the confusion and frustration that Mara must be feeling as to why she survived and not the others. Also, within the book, she doesn't remember what happened, until it starts to unveil throughout the book, this could then also reflect the not knowing, the haziness that she has and the emotion that she can't control. |
'Crying in my closet the next day clutching a shard of a broken mirror in my bloody hand.'
This composition comes from the start of her development in her visions and nightmares which comes the day after the funerals. Taking inspiration from Shaden and Larrichia- my model will be sat in a confined space/ a box/ cupboard. The only lighting that I will use, will be a beam of light which will either come from one side of the composition, or coming out from underneath the dress of my model. Essentially, my model will be wearing the same dress in every composition showing the journey. My model will be holding a piece of broken reflective material. My model's make up will be running down her face and she will look distressed. Blood will also be placed on her hands and around various parts of her body. |
'I positioned myself in front of the wet counter which was covered in wads of crumpled paper towels, and looked up. The girl in the mirror smiled. But she wasn't me.'
This composition comes in more of the development of Mara's hysteria. She starts to see people who aren't there. Using Christopher Mckenney as inspiration for this one, I will use a large mirror. The model representing Mara, will be looking into the mirror with a shocked and pained face. Within the mirror will be something completely different. I plan to create a surreal photograph, in that someone else's arms will be coming out from the mirror, as if reaching out towards the model. The arms coming out from the mirror, will be bruised and blooded to represent Mara seeing her dead friends, however I do not want to incorporate another model's face due to the element of unknown and mysteriousness. Essentially Mara imagines things that are not really there, therefore I want to focus it fully on her. This composition will be shot in the studio with a white background to represent her being in the bathroom. |
'I turned away and picked up the pace. I walked away from him, slowly at first, then ran.''
This compositon comes when Mara sees her ex boyfriend who also died in the accident. For this photograph, I imagine a narrow walkway on location. My model wearing the same dress, would be running away from the camera. I will get her to look back over shoulder at the camera. Taking inspiration from Shaden, I will again set my camera to a slow shutter speed to create the movement within the dress, however, this will be experimental, as I want the face primarily in focus, so I can see the expression. This will represent the urgency for her to run away and the panic that she is feeling. |
'But now all of the pictures were on the right and the french doors on the left.'
This composition will be on location down a long corridor. My model will be standing in the middle of the corridor with her arms placed on either side of the wall. This will represent Mara's frustration as to why she is seeing these strange things. The corridor will create the leading lines and will create disorientation within the composition. To confuse the composition, I will experiment with turning my camera upside down and points of view. |
'An opened box sat on the closet floor.'
'Then the print went dark leaving the two of us in white skeleton in the negative image.''
In this composition, I will incorporate the levitation element from Shaden and Larrichia. There will be a box placed in the composition and it will be set in a empty room. My model will be levitating as if given a shock or as if something in the box blew her away. Along with this, there will be pieces of paper/photographs that will be flying throughout the composition. This will represent the shock that she has discovered. |
'I leaned over the edge.'
'I plunged my arm in.'
'My mother found me there an hour later.'
For this composition, it is set in a part of the book where Mara almost drowns by seeing something in water that is not there, therefore, for this composition, I want it to be set on location with my model levitating over a lake. She will be lying forward poking her arm in the water. The model will be looking curious and frightened. I want to achieve the look as if she is being dragged in the water by something. |
'My eyes scanned the labels of dozens of tiny bottles and jars of herbs and liquids in front of me.'
This composition is slightly different to the others, in that this includes props. I will place different sizes and shaped jars on a piece of old shelving or wood, either outdoors or in the studio. The Jars will be labelled and full of different coloured liquids to enhance the weird situation that Mara is in. This is an essential part of the book as she is trying to find a cure for her insomnia and I feel with the right lighting and setting that this can look very weird. I would have to experiment with the composition once on the location. |
'I closed my eyes, tossed my head back and brought the glass to my mouth.'
This is the aftermath of Mara finding a solution. In the book, her reaction to taking this mixture is quite dramatic, therefore, for this composition, my model will be levitating off the ground, central to the composition. Her position will be one that looks as though she has been possessed, her head thrown back and her arms spread out wide. This will be set in an empty/abandoned room- very spacious. |
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